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Theme branding settings

There are three key places connected with branding in a theme based on GavernWP framework:

  • page’s logo
  • page’s footer
  • framework’s logo under a page’s footer

There are the following administration panel options responsible for these elements:

In the case of a framework’s logo, it is only possible to switch it on/off.

Footer content is defined in Footer content option. It will be displayed at the bottom of the page, usually on the right side.

The majority of parameters are connected with a page’s logo. The first step in a logo configuration is to choose a logo type; there are the following logo types available:

  • Defined in the CSS code – a logo is defined theme’s CSS style as an element having cssLogo class. In this case, except CSS code modification, no other settings changes are needed.
  • Image logo – after choosing this option, some additional options will appear:  You have to choose an image logo and specify its sizes.
  • Text logo – likewise in the previous option, some additional options appear:  Theme logo text option specifies whether main logo text and the signature below it will be taken from WordPress settings (from WordPress settings) or will be specified by a user (Own). In the case of choosing the second option, two additional fields to fill in will appear: 
  • None – in this case, a logo will not be displayed.
Note: None option is useful when you want to define a logo code in theme’s code yourself – then, it is enough to add your own code to an appropriate file (usually it is: layouts/header.php).


Back-end branding settings

In order to adjust stylistics of an administration panel to a GavernWP page, there are some options allowing to adjust the look of administration panel elements to a theme of a page given.

You will find the following options in a back-end branding tab:

The first two options are connected with a logotype displayed on a log in page. You have to choose an image which will be used as a logo and then insert the size of the image chosen. In this way, you may achieve, e.g. the following log in panel:

The remaining two options are connected with theme’s login displayed in a main menu of an administration panel:

We recommend to use an image in 16×16 size – bigger or smaller images may cause problems with menu layout.


Typography button

To simplify shortcodes use available in themes based on GavernWP framework, a button for theme’s typography has been implemented which is available in a posts editor:


By clicking this button, you will see a list of available typography elements:


It is possible to choose a version with a stylistic specified for the majority of elements. After choosing a particular style, a shortcode will appear which will be replaced in entry content by scripts to structure styled in a way given.

Please, note that adding a new Shortcode code requires three operations:

  • adding an entry in shortcodes.js configuration file
  • adding PHP code supporting a shortcode given
  • adding optional CSS and JavaScript code (if a shortcode given requires it)

shortcodes.js file in config catalog includes entries which are replaced to menu structure visible after clicking a typography button – it includes $GAVERNWP_SHORTCODES variable which is a table including objects representing elements of a menu. Each object has three features: title, code and submenu. Let’s analyze this structure with a Highlight position:

"title": "Highlight",
"code": "[highlight]Your text[/highlight]",
"submenu": [
"title": "Style I",
"code": "[highlight style=\"1\"]Your text[/highlight]"
"title": "Style II",
"code": "[highlight style=\"2\"]Your text[/highlight]"
"title": "Style III",
"code": "[highlight style=\"3\"]Your text[/highlight]"
  • title – it includes a menu positon name displayed by a script
  • code – it is a shortcode code which will be added to an entry when clicking a menu position given – you have to remember that not all menu positions on the first level have a value in this field – if it was an empty sequence of symbols, it means for a script that clicking on a menu position given does not request any action.
  • submenu – it is a table  of a submenu of a menu position given. Each submenu position is built the same as menu positions as these on the first level but with one difference – a submenu cannot have the next submenu, so you do not add a submenu feature in a submenu object.

Let’s say, we added our shortcode to a typography button using shortcodes.js file. So, there is one thing left to do – support our shortcode from a theme side.

To do this, you have to open gavern/helpers/helpers.shortcodes.php file.

This file is divided into three main sections starting with lines similar to:

if(get_option($tpl->name . '_shortcodes1_state', 'Y') == 'Y') {

It is a conditional  IF instruction connected with a group of typography elements given. Gavern icludes three groups:

  • typography elements – functions connected with it have gavern_ts_ prefix in the title
  • interactive elements – functions connected with it have gavern_ies_ prefix in the title
  • elements characteristic for a particular theme – functions connected with it have gavern_tss_ prefix in the title

We recommend to add new typography elements in the last group – in Meet GavernWP theme, it is empty by default. Please, remember about using an appropriate prefix in a function name for a group given, e.g. in the case of the third group, it will be gavern_tss_. The code itself of a shortcode given has to be created according to guidelines described in Shortcode API.

The last step is rather optional and depends on your Shortcode type. If your Shortcode requires additional CSS or JavaScript code, you have to define it in shortcodes.*.css i shortcodes.*.js files, where * is a group name to which a Shortcode given was assigned.

It is very important to place elements of CSS and JavaScript code in an appropriate file, as it will give a possibility of optimizing whole theme code when switching off given group of Shortcodes codes.

Import/Export settings

Sometimes, there is a situation when you have to copy a configuration from one installation to another one. In order to simplify it, GavernWP has been equipped with import and export options of theme’s settings in “Import/Export” tab of a theme’s main menu:

After entering a page of these settings, you will see the following form:

In order to export settings, it is enough to copy a text from an “Export” field and copy it to an “Import” field in a different theme.

Note! While exporting settings, you have to remember that it is possible to copy settings between the same themes.
Theme’s settings are available in JSON format, so it is possible to save these settings to a file and then modify them manually before loading to a different theme.

Tip: we recommend to make a dump of theme’s settings, thanks to it, you will be secured against not desired effects of greater changes in a theme’s configuration. Such settings dumps should be saved in a file which has in its name the date of making a dump, e.g.  meetgavernwp_backup_30_07_2012.json.


GavernWP has an update section which allows to access information whether a theme was updated to the latest version. In order to access an updates panel, you have to use “Updates” submenu from a main menu of theme’s options:

If a theme was not updated, a list of updates will appear; which are newer than your theme version.

However, when you have a theme in the latest version, you will see an appropriate message that a theme does not have any new updates to download.

It’s worth remembering that a free theme – MeetGavernWP is available through a public repository in a github service which allows to easy analysis of changes implemented in particular files. In the case of commercial themes, it is recommended to use tools like WinMerge (Windows) or File Merge (MacOS X) to compare changes in files. Each update in our update system has information about the list of modified files. Generally, it is recommended to compare only these files which you modified manually after loading a theme.

Theme live editor

GavernWP has basic support for a new option available in WordPress 3.4 – an options editor with themes preview. Now, the most important options connected with theme’s style and its layout has been implemented to a live editor.

In order to reach it easier, we placed a direct link to this editor in the top part of themes’ options:

All options included in this editor are also available via traditional theme’s options panel.

In order to simplify adding your own options to a live editor, the whole code generating options is placed in a separate file: gavern/helpers/helpers.customizer.php.

You have to remember that all options and settings from a live editor are stored in the same place as their equivalents from an administration panel so settings change with a live editor causes changes in an options panel. That’s why, it is recommended not to use a traditional administration panel and a live editor at the same time because saving options with various values in two different places at the same time may not give the expected result.


GavernWP makes accessible options allowing for theme’s branding. Branding options are divided into two groups:

  • theme’s branding
  • administration panel branding

Thanks to theme’s branding options, a user may specify:

  • specify page’s logo
  • specify theme’s footer content
  • decide about displaying a framework logo under page’s footer

More information about branding options for a theme can be found in an entry devoted to a “Theme branding” tab in an administration panel.

Administration panel branding options allow to define:

  • a logo displayed next to a theme’s name in an administration panel sidebar
  • a logo visible over a log in form to an administration panel

More about branding options for an administration panel can be found in an entry devoted to “Back-end branding”  in an administration panel.

Widget rules

Widget rules is a mechanism which introduces a completely new way to manage widgets on a website. Thanks to it, it is possible to specify widget features such as:

  • displaying on subpages chosen,
  • displaying on devices chosen,
  • displaying for a group of users chosen,
  • displaying with a widget style use chosen.

After switching on widget rules in theme’s advanced settings, under each widget, the following options should be displayed:

The most extensive options are those connected with a widget visibility on subpages chosen – after choosing an option to show a widget on pages chosen (or an option not showing a widget on pages chosen), such a panel will appear:

Then, you have to choose a page’s type to add, e.g. Category, and then give category ID:

After clicking “Add page” button, a page will appear on a list of pages chosen on which in our case a widget will be displayed:

Of course, it is possible to add more pages:

To make it clearer, , each page’s type is displayed with a different color. A page added can be removed by clicking a removing icon placed on the right side of each page.

In this way, you may set a widget so as to be shown on pages chosen or to be shown on all pages except the chosen ones.

Generally, widgets are shown on all pages.

An option of displaying a widget on devices chosen has five options to choose:

  • All devices – a widget will be displayed everytwhere – on every device
  • Desktop – a widget will be displayed only when neither a tablet.css file nor a mobile.css is loaded
  • Tablets – a widget displays only when a tablet.css file will be loaded and, at the same time, a mobile.css file will not be loaded
  • Smartphones – a widget will be displayed only when a mobile.css file will be loaded
  • Tablets/Smartphones – a widget will be displayed when at least one file will be loaded: tablet.css or mobile.css.

Thanks to these settings, it is possible to limit significantly the amount of content displayed on devices with small screens.

An option of displaying widget for a chosen groups of users has four options to choose:

  • All users – a widget will be displayed to all users
  • Only guests – a widget will be displayed to not logged in users
  • Only registered users – a widget will be displayed to logged in users only
  • Only administrator – a widget will be displayed to administrators only

Thanks to this option, it is possible e.g. to display messages specified by using widgets for a group of users chosen.

The last optio from widget rules is an option for choosing a widget style – it causes appending to a widget main container an additional class giving styling specified by a user.

Widget styles are defined in widget.styles.json file and in CSS code – in this case in css/wp.extensions.css.

Custom Page Styles

GavernWP makes accessible a few own styles of subpages. Thanks to them, it is possible to use WordPress possiblitities better  and adjusting pages to themes chosen.

All additional subpages styles are placed in a main catalog in template.*.php files. GavernWP has the following subpages:

  • template.archive.php – an archive page, in includes a list of recent posts, categories and a list of links to monthly archives.
  • – a page with a contact form which allows to send an email to an email address specified in a WordPress configuration.
  • template.fullwidth.php – a page’s layout without a sidebar.
  • – a page generating an animated gallery of images with a mechanism of attachments available in WordPress – it is enough to assign attachments to such a page that they will show as slides in a gallery. It is recommened to choose images with the same size.
  • template.login.php – a page generating a login form for users – after logging in, it displays information about his/her username and a button to log out.
  • template.tagcloud.php – a page generating a tag cloud of our website.

Main CSS styles of subpages are in a css/stuff.css file. However, you have to remember that some more extensive files of subpages may additionally load CSS and JavaScript files from css/templates/ and js/templates/.

In order to load additional files in this way, it is enough to specify the second parameter of a gk_load function (see: code of requesting a gk_load function in a file).

Threaded comments

GavernWP has support for comments with a division into threads. Thanks to it, discussions made in comments under a post given are clearer.

All options connected with comments configuration can be set by using standard options in a WordPress administration panel (Settings > Discussion). Threads in comments are switched on thanks to “Enable threaded (nested) comments” and specifying maximal depth of nested comments in threads.

There are two files responsible for generating HTML code of comments, namely:

  • comments.php – it includes a code which generates a comments list and a form of adding comments.
  • gavern/helpers/helper.layout.fragments.php – in gavern_comment_template function, there is a code responsible for generating a code of a comment given.

CSS code responsible for a style of comments and a form of adding comments is in css/wp.css file.

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