Basic settings
Basic settings of GavernWP allow to specify basic parameters connected with page’s display:
The first option allows to choose a color version of a theme. In this place, there may appear a few various fields depending on the conent of styles.json configuration file.
There is an option allowing to switch a style-switcher after an option/options of choosing theme’s styles – it is an element allowing for a website’s user to choose a theme style himself/herself.
The next option is connected with switching on breadcrumbs element on a website. There are the following options to choose from: Enabled, Disabled and Conditional rule – then, you have to set a rule using Conditional Tags and logic operators of PHP language in a Conditional rule field, e.g. a rule displayinga a breadcrumbs element on the homepage and in the “Meet GavernWP” category will be in the following form:
is_homepage() || is_category('Meet GavernWP')
“” option is useful when you want to place a widget instead of entries on the homepage – then you have to switch it on mainbody widget position, place a widget needed which will replace a standard list of posts generated by WordPress.
The last option, namely “Show author info” allows to display information about its author under each post in the following form: