Theme’s CSS code is divided into a few files, loaded in order specified. All these files are in css catalog. You have to remember that order of these files is very important and its change may cause unpredictable changes of theme’s look because of using moving from general styling to detailed styling in CSS code. […]
Each theme’s subpage in GavernWP is created and based on one file from theme’s main catalog, e.g. single.php and at least four additional files from layouts catalog: header.php – this file includes starting page’s structure i.e. a head section and the whole headline with elements such as: logo, main menu, etc. before.php – there are […]
Thanks to Social API, adding buttons to an entry for sharing posts in the most popular social network services is very easy. At the moment, Social API supports four services: Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Buttons for sharing are generally added under an entry. All contact data needed for sharing are loaded from entry content or […]
Open Search is a technology which allows to create your own browsing engine used by a browser. Thanks to it, e.g. in a Firefox browser, a user may define a new browser after entering our website based on GavernWP framework. Because of it, in the case of more extensive websites, e.g. data catalogs, searching is […]
GavernWP makes possible to create themes based on Responsive Web Design. That’s why, it has two additional CSS styles: tablet.css mobile.css Thanks to options available in an administration panel, it is possible to specify when these styles will be loaded. Two column layout (if a column is switched on) is loaded when tablet.css file is […]
GavernWP has an extensive mechanism allowing to create additional theme styles. We may distinguish two main groups of styles in this mechanism: style family styles included in style family given The whole configuration is included in styles.json file: As you can see, it includes color style family which has two styles, namely: Color I and […]
GavernWP has built – in support for Open Graph protocol. Thanks to it, each post added may have metatags specified and during publishing a post given on Facebook, there will be information specified earlier by an author of an entry displayed: title entry description thumbnail connected with an entry Thanks to it, an author of […]
In order to make GavernWP framework more flexible, we decided to use files in JSON format for storing thme’s configuration and options layout in an administration panel. You may find files responsible for theme’s configuration in gavern/options/ catalog: fonts.json – a file which stores theme’s groups of fonts. By default, there are three main gropus […]
GavernWP has full support for making translations. Because of differences being a result of using JSON files for generating theme’s options, a theme’s translation should be done in three places: with files use from a languages catalog by creating a catalog of a language given in a config catalog by creating a catalog of a […]
oEmbeds is an important facility used while creating posts. Thanks to it, a user may embed in an entry easily, e.g. a movie from You Tube service by giving just a link to the movie – WordPress will generate a movie from this link automatically. A few examples are presented below: YouTube Twitter What is […]